Wodney Wat had a birthday. His friends gave him a robot. Wodney loves his robot because it helps him pronounce his r’s. But how will it help him and the rest of his class deal with the bully, Camillia Capybara? This book is so funny! I love it!
A Porcupine Named Fluffy
One day Fluffy’s dad opened the door and Fluffy stuck to it!! Then Fluffy’s dad put his hat on him. Fluffy doesn’t really like his name because he is a porcupine and he’s not really fluffy. Can a rhino help him feel better about his name? This book is super funny and teaches a great […]
- Author: Amy Shields
- Review By: David
- Grade Level: PKK1
- Book Series: National Geographic Kids
Did you know airplanes are humongous? Did you know there is a type of airplane that can go really, really fast? It’s called the Blackbird. Did you know there is a ship than can carry jets? It’s called an aircraft carrier.