In My Friend the Enemy, there is a boy named Peter who meets a girl named Kim and they become best friends. They are in the woods when suddenly they spot a German soldier! They can’t decide what to do. The soldier is injured and doesn’t seem to be a threat. What will Kim and Peter […]
Inheritance (Inheritance 4)
Eragon, and his dragon, Saphira, have come so far in the last few months since he was just an average farm boy. Ever since that moment when he picked up that stone, he has grown. But has he grown enough? Eragon and Saphira must confront the dark lord, Galabtorix with all the strength they have. […]
The Burning Bridge (Ranger’s Apprentice 2)
- Author: John Flanagan
- Review By: Daniel
- Grade Level: 4567
- Book Series: Ranger's Apprentice

For decades the evil lord Morgrath has stayed behind the mountains keeping the kingdom of Araluen safe. On a special trip, Will and his friend Horace, an apprentice knight journey to a nearby village and discover that all the villagers have either been killed or taken prisoner. Could it be that Morgrath has finally found a […]
The Ruins of Gorlan (Ranger’s Apprentice 1)
- Author: John Flanagan
- Review By: Daniel
- Grade Level: 4567
- Book Series: Ranger's Apprentice

They have always scared Will, always sneaking around and lurking in the shadows unseen. Some villagers even believe they use magic. Will, know 15 has been chosen to be Apprenticed to a Ranger, the ones he has always feared. Because they are highly trained in stealth and battle, they are the protectors of the kingdom. […]
Hobie doesn’t know if he should send Duke, his dog, to the military or not. World War II is raging over in Germany and they need dogs to help fight the war. Finally he decides to send his dog but he really misses him and wants him back. He tries hard to get Duke using […]